was this made in blender? looks like a really cool ps2 game protagonist. Very Good!
good job looks great!
all of your original characters look like they would make an awesome earthbound type game. Good job and keep it up!
Well actually this one had inspiration from the mother series, this series takes inspiration from others games like FF7 and yokai watch. These characters and the story’s I have in store are stuff I really want to expand on
Thanks for the comment
haha looking good! could you eloborate on the racism part lol, havent seen the show just curious.
It's just this really weird thing i noticed with the thief characters where they're either black, asain or red headed. Even though every other character is white and has either black, brown or blonde hair.
Also, there was a scammer in one episode and they made her a gypsy.
welcome back!
lol thanks :D
very cool! she is my favorite character in the series
is sandy in the big daddy suit?
how do you feel about the name bliplo? first name that came to mind
I love that! Naming a new child is serious business, though. I'll sleep on it :) I'll absolutely give credit if I go with it
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Age 25, Male
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Joined on 4/16/12